5 Important Web Design Tips and Tricks for Amazing Websites

5 Important Web Design Tips and Tricks for Amazing Websites
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You may be getting instant visits to your website, but you might be working hard enough to convert your regular visitors to customers. To make it easy, it’s good for you to focus on the bouncing rate rather than simply worrying about web design issues because poor bounce rate will make all your promotional efforts go waste! We will assist you to optimize your website to improve your bounce rate and thereby increase your conversions.

5 Excellent Web Design Tips and Tricks for Amazing Websites

Improve your website’s loading times

In order to increase your bounce rate, one of the best methods is to make your site speed high. If site’s bounce rate is so slow, everyone gets frustrated. Just check your website loads in few seconds; so that, you will not lose your valuable customers. It’s only the fast loading website that attracts several visitors and not slowly loading websites.

Usage of Visual Hierarchy Important

The idea to enhance website with an effective visual hierarchy is to optimize your site for conversions. One of the more important web design tips is to make your website more attractive by using bold fonts, bright colors, as well as large text sizes. These are what the people are looking for! Page should look attractive. If you focus on these, your website visual hierarchy will be excellent.

Utilize White Space

Always try to utilize white space which appears between image and text of the webpage. It gives your page a delight look and improves readability. Being webmaster or owner of the website, you must know how much white space to use. If you wish to improve bounce rate, better you focus on white space to convert call to action.

Use Unique and Eye-Catching Images

Ensure you use limited images on your website. In case, if you use too many images, quality of these uploaded images comes down. Images may look too blurry and too unprofessional which keeps visitors stay far from your website. Thus, use high quality images that should force visitors to visit your website regularly.

Check your Layout Responsive

Since websites are browsed in laptops, tablets, mobiles, and other devices, ensure to make these layouts web friendly instead of sticking to particular devices. Website should look too attractive even in mobiles and other devices. Hence, focus mainly on layout design and ensure if the layout you have designed is user-friendly. 

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